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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

As soon as you visit our website or contact us, we receive information about you. In this privacy statement we explain what we do with that information. We always handle your information with care and store it securely. If you have any questions or want to know what information we have on you, please contact us. We may amend this privacy statement if necessary. We recommend that you regularly review this privacy statement so that you are aware of these changes. This privacy statement was last modified on 01 October 2023.


  1. When do you apply this privacy statement?
  2. Who uses your data?
  3. Whose data do we use?
  4. What data of you do we use?
  5. How do we get your data?
  6. What do we use your data for?
  7. How long do we store your data?
  8. Who do we share your data with?
  9. Where do we store your data?
  10. What are your rights?
  11. Which rules apply to this privacy statement?
  12. Which cookies do we use?
  13. What do we do with data of minors?
  14. Do you have a question about this privacy policy?

1. When do you apply this privacy statement?

This privacy policy is applicable to all personal information that we handle and all related domains. This includes the personal information of anyone who has been in contact with us or visited our website, including visitors, clients, and business associates. Personal information comprises any data that can identify an individual, such as their name, phone number, IP address, customer ID, or browsing activity. If you would like to learn more about the handling of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

2. Who uses your data?

TotalPunch Development is responsible for and the website/apps and is therefore the organization responsible for the use of your personal data as described in this privacy statement. Please refer to the following for complete details.

TotalPunch Development
Strevelsweg 700 303
Box G9118
3083AS, Rotterdam
the Netherlands
+31 85 301 6452
CoC: 90576543

3. Whose data do we use?

We process the personal data of everyone who has:

  • Has\had contact with us
  • Visits\Visited our websites or apps
  • Has\has a subscription to ToolHive

These include visitors, private customers, business customers, and contact persons of our partners.

4. What data of you do we use?

We divide data into the following categories:

  • Invoice data
    • Name
    • Address
    • Billing email address
    • Tax information
    • Bank accounts
    • etc.
  • App data
    • Any data entered into the App (
      • Organization name
      • Tool name
      • Data processes
      • etc.
  • Visit data
    • IP-address on visits on Website or App

5. How do we get your data?

We receive the data once you enter it. For the categories that follow, this implies:

  • Invoice data
    • When you create an account
    • When you update information in our Billing portal
  • App data
    • When you create/update/delete an account, organization or tool
  • Visit data
    • When you visit any website or app

6. What do we use your data for?

We only use your personal data for the purpose for which we are allowed to use it. This means the following for our different categories:

  • Invoice data
    • To create invoices
    • To execute subscriptions
    • To comply with law, such as keeping records for the tax authorities
  • App data
    • For the purpose of executing the service
  • Visit data
    • For debug purposes
    • On our websites only (,,
      • To improve our website
      • To show you personalized ads

7. How long do we keep your data?

We retain your personal data for as long as legally required and as long as necessary for our specific purposes. We adhere to the following retention periods for our data categories:

  • Invoice data
    • According to Dutch Tax law: 7 years
  • App data
    • As long as you are a customer: Forever
    • When you delete your account/organization/tool: 3 months
  • Visit data
    • Maximum of 1 year

Exceptions to these sections:

  • To handle any complaints or legal matters

If you want to know more about how long we store specific data about you, please contact us.

8. Who do we share your data with?

We may share data with our partners, who may process specific data on our behalf. As a result, this has implications for our data categories.

9. Where do we store your data?

We store and process your data within the European Economic Area (EEA). Our partners may store data in other locations outside of the EEA.

If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

10. What are your rights?

Because we utilize your personal data, you possess various rights. Below, we have provided a list of these rights for your reference.

Right to information

We aim to provide a clear and objective explanation of our data handling practices to our users. This privacy statement details the specific data we collect and how it is processed, as well as outlining the level of control you have over your data. It is our goal to use precise language and formal register, without bias or ornamental language, while maintaining grammatical correctness and following style guidelines. With a logical structure and causal connections between statements, we strive to create a comprehensible and concise text that adheres to conventional academic structures. This privacy statement details the specific data we collect and how it is processed, as well as outlining the level of control you have over your data.

Right to access

You can request access to the data we have on file about you at any time.

Right to correction

You may request a data correction if the information provided is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to object

You may exercise your right to object to the processing of your personal data if you do not agree with our handling of it, especially in relation to direct marketing. If you no longer wish to receive emails or personalized recommendations from us, please let us know.

Right to data portability

If you are a customer of ours or if you have given us permission to use your data, you may request that we send you the digital information that we possess about you. Consequently, you have the option of transferring that data to a different organization if you desire to do so.

Right to restriction

You have the option to request limitations on the use of your data. This permits us to store your information without utilizing it in specific instances.

Right to be forgotten

You may request the deletion of all of your data, which we will do if it can be traced to you. However, in certain scenarios, we may be unable or not yet able to delete your data. For instance, we must maintain some data for up to 7 years for tax authorities.

Right to submit a complaint

You may file a complaint regarding our data handling practices. We are dedicated to resolving your concerns and encourage you to contact us. Additionally, you may submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority or consider legal action if necessary. We are dedicated to resolving your concerns and encourage you to contact us. However, our hope is to reach a satisfactory resolution without resorting to these measures. In this situation, the court located at TotalPunch Development's place of business will handle your complaint.

How do I submit a request or complaint?

You can submit requests or complaints by emailing We aim to process all such inquiries within 30 days, though submitting multiple or complex requests may prolong the processing time. If that is the case, we will contact you within 60 days at most. It is possible that we may ask for identification during the process. In that case, we will request some specific information to confirm that you are the correct individual whose personal data is being verified.

11. What rules apply to this privacy statement?

Our privacy policy must meet specific requirements set forth in the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation. Additionally, our privacy policy is subject to general rules under Dutch law.

12. Which cookies do we use?

Check out our Cookie Policy

13. What do we do with data of minors?

We do not intend to target minors through our website or organization. Therefore, if you are below 18 years of age, you require permission from a parent or guardian to access our website. In the event that you are a minor and visit our website or webshop, we presume that you have received such permission prior to your visit.

14. Do you have a question about this privacy policy?

If you have a question about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us on We are happy to help.